
Showing posts from August, 2018

what is desi cow how many types of cow

I)What is desi cow .        Who cow owned by hump this cow is the desi cow .        which breed is native is India these desi cow are zebu cow       who cow don’t have hump this       which breed is not owned by india these called by extic cow II)What is deffrent between desi breeds and exsitic breed Desi cow Exotic cow Cow and bulls have hump Exotic cow not hump Body length is medium Body length is large Thy have well devlop horns Horns with small India genes cow are effect and faith in owner Thy don’t have attach ment of owner Thise cow milk is pure remove taxin in body help full of the grouing body This cow mik and ghee spil the body and dna health Desi cow sarvaival any climatic condiation Exotic cow not serve for heat condition He take less food give qulite milk He takese more food and give more less qulity milk III)How many types  desicow breed Des